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Apple Watch Series 6 vs Series 8

A couple weeks ago I bought the watch on the right. These are the actual product images and actual prices as listed on Amazon. It’s tempting to want the “latest and greatest” but I decided is the difference between a six and an eight REALLY worth more than double the price? I asked my friends what version Apple Watch they have. Some didn’t know. Some had the first version. Some had the eight. No one cared.

So I bought the two versions old one. It was even “renewed”. Likely a return from someone else who didn’t like it. When it came to me it looked and worked like brand new. Whether I bought new or not, the second I put it on my wrist it’s now a used watch. And my new Apple watch works great! It’s got all the apps and does all the things. I literally don’t know what else I would have gotten for $235 more. And that ignorance is bliss. I left the $235 invested so I can continue to be retired early and have total freedom with my time. Buying fewer, nicer, and cheaper things is how I don’t become a slave to my stuff. Dragging myself to a job I hate to make payments on a lot of stuff is my nightmare. I treasure freedom and experiences. Less stuff supports both.

As always, reminding you to build wealth by following the two PFC rules: 1.) Live below your means and 2.) Invest early and often.



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Jeremy Circle

Hi, I’m Jeremy! I retired at 36 and currently have a net worth of over $4 million. 

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