My reading, listening, and watching list

Below is a partial list of some of the resources from which I’ve learned and been inspired over the years. I don’t believe in everything from every source below, but the themes among them ring true.

Note that every one of these says essentially the same thing: Live below your means. Invest early and often. Buy and hold index funds.

Here they are, along with a one sentence recap of each.



  • The Stay Wealthy Podcast – A knowledgeable, kind, altruistic Certified Financial Planner giving the straight info
  • Motley Fool Answers – Charismatic hosts break down answers to investing questions
  • Planet Money – Not strictly about personal finance or investing, but a fun podcast telling stories of economics
  • Dave Ramsey – Get and stay out of debt



Christmas Worth It

Sometimes life isn’t about calculating what your savings would be worth in 40 years, but actually living in the moment. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Jeremy Circle

Hi, I’m Jeremy! I retired at 36 and currently have a net worth of over $4 million. 

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